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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

120 Photoshop tips, tricks 

and fixes to try today

From creativebloq.com

Improve your skills and speed up your workflow with these 120 expert Photoshop tips, tricks and fixes covering brush tools, layers, shortcuts and more.
Whether you're looking for tips on using layers, advice on mastering the pen tool, a guide to using RAW, or ways to improve your brush work, it's all here! And if you've just got hold of Photoshop CS6, then you'll have plenty to get your creative gnashers stuck in to!
Most of these tips were originally published in our sister title,Practical Photoshop magazine - the best resource for all your Photoshop insights, inspiration, and tips. If you want to get more in-depth tutorials and all the very latest helpful info, then we suggest you get hold of the mag!
Quick Photoshop tips

01. Rotating patterns

 Rotating Patterns
Photoshop tips: Rotating Patterns

You can make amazing kaleidoscopic patterns with the help of a keyboard shortcut. Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T lets you duplicate a layer and repeat a transformation in one go. To demonstrate, we’ve made a narrow glowing shape by squeezing a lens flare effect, but you can use any shape, image or effect you like. First, make an initial rotation by pressing Cmd/Ctrl+T and turning slightly, then hit Enter to apply. Next, press Cmd  /Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T repeatedly to create a pattern.

02. Combine images with text

 Combining images with text
Photoshop tips: Combining images with text

When zoomed in close, hold down H and drag in the image to instantly dart out to full screen then jump back to another area. One of the best Photoshop tips for viewing work!
04.  Quick full Layer Masks
You can Alt-click on the Layer Mask icon to add a full mask that hides everything on the layer.
05.  Easier marquee selections
Hold down Alt to start a selection at the centre point with any Marquee tool, and then hold Space to temporarily move the selection around.
06.  Funky backgrounds

 Funky background
Photoshop tips: Funky backgrounds

07.  1000 History states
08.  Colour Code Layers
09.  Close all images
10.  Spring-loaded Move
11. Interactive Zoom
12. Lightning fast layer copies
13.  Diffuse effects

 Diffuse effects
Photoshop tips: Diffuse effects

14.  Undo, Undo, Undo
15.  Cycle Blend Modes
Shortcuts (16 - 43)
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E will merge a copy of all Layers
  • F Cycle through workspace backgrounds
  • X Change your foreground and background colours
  • D Reset foreground and background colours to black and white
  • and Change your brush tip size
  • Cmd/Ctrl+J Duplicate a layer or selection
  • Space Bar Hold Space and drag to navigate around the image
  • TAB Hides or shows all panels and tools
  • Cmd/Ctrl+T Transform a layer
  • Cmd/Ctrl+E Merge selected layer down, or merges several highlighted layers
  • Cmd/Ctrl/Ctrl+Shift+Opt+S Save for web & devices
  • Cmd/Ctrl+L Bring up levels box
  • Cmd/Ctrl+T Open Free Transform tool
  • Cmd/Ctrl+M Open Curves
  • Cmd/Ctrl+B Edit Colour Balance
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Opt+C Scale your image to your preferred state
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Opt+G Create clipping mask
  • Cmd/Ctrl+0 Fit on screen
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+>/< Increase/decrease size of selected text by 2pts
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Option+Shift->/< Increase/decrease size of selected text by 10pts
  • ]/[ Increase/decrease brush size
  • Shift+F5 Fill the selection
  • }/{ Increase/decrease brush hardness
  • ,/. previous/next brush
  • </> First/last brush
  • Cmd/Ctrl+] Bring layers forward
  • Cmd/Ctrl+[ Send layer back
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+[ Send layer to bottom of stack
  • Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+] Bring layer to bottom of stack

 Layer tricks
Photoshop tips: Layer tricks

44. Converting Layer Styles
45. View one layer
46. Invert a Layer Mask
47. Unlink layers and masks
48. Quick copy
quickly duplicate it.
49. Convert the Background
50. Adjustments
51. Move query
52. Panel Options
53. Move layers up or down
54. Fill shortcuts
selection with the Foreground colour, Cmd/Ctrl+Backspace to fill a layer or selection with the Background colour, or Shift+Backspace to quickly access the Fill Options.
55. The 50% grey layer
56. Layer Group shortcut
57. Edit multiple type layers

 Edit multiple type layers
Photoshop tips: Edit multiple type layers

58. Layer Mask views

 Layer mask views
Photoshop tips: Layer mask views

59. Select similar layers
layers, highlight one of them and then go to Select>Similar Layers.
60. Change Opacity
simply by pressing a number key. Hit 1 for 10%, 5 for 50%, and 0 for 100%.
61. Quick masking
62. Step-by-step Blend fire effects

A:  Copy in the fire

 Blend fire effects
Photoshop tips: Copy in the fire
B:  Position and warp
 Blend fire effects
Photoshop tips: Position and warp

Top Tool Photoshop Tips
63. Right-click for contextual menus
64. Speedy navigation
zoom in or out will speed up your workflow more than anything else. Use Cmd/Ctrl and to zoom in, Cmd/Ctrl and  to zoom out. Hold the space bar to temporarily access the Hand tool and drag around the image.
65. Crucial selection shortcuts
66. Paste in place
67. Hide the Marching Ants
68. The amazing Cmd/Ctrl+click
69. Switch lasso
button to temporarily switch to the Polygonal Lasso tool.
70. Fixed Ratio selections

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