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How to Download Torrent links faster using IDM(internet download manager)

Step 1 :Download torrent file

Step 2 :Upload file on http://www.zbigz.com

Step 3 :Wait a little time to upload the file

Step 4 : Then Download 

How to Use Sticky Notes in Windows

which helps to a slip of notepaper on your windows screen helps you a lot. Just Try..

To create a Sticky Note,

1.click Start→All Programs→Accessories→Sticky Notes.

2.Type the text of the note.

3.You can also format the note text if you want.

Just select the desired text and then press the appropriate shortcut key: Ctrl+B for bold text, Ctrl+I for italics, and Ctrl+U for underlining.

4.When you finish entering the note text, simply click somewhere on the desktop outside the sticky note itself.

Alternatively, you can click the New Note button (the one with the plus sign) to start a new sticky note. The note you create will stay on the desktop.

5.To color-code a sticky note, right-click the note and then click the color you want.

Your choices here are Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, White, or Yellow.

6.To delete a note that you no longer need, click its Delete button in the upper-right corner.


Make your Computer Welcome You
fb/The Piratebay


in movies welcome their users by calling out their names? I bet that you

too would want to know how you can achieve similar results on your PC and

have a computer said welcome. Then you are at the right place, this
article describes exactly how you can make your computer welcome you like this.

With this trick, you can make your Computer welcome you in its

computerized voice. You can make your Windows based computer say

"Welcome to your PC, Username." Make Windows Greet you with a

Custom Voice Message at Startup To use this trick, follow the

instructions given below:-

1. Click on Start. Navigate to All
Programs, Accessories and
2. Copy and paste the exact code
given below.
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to your PC Username"
Set speech=Createobject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
3. Replace Username with your
own name.
4. Click on File Menu, Save As,
select All Types in Save as Type option,
and save the file as Welcome.vbs or
5. Copy the saved file.
6. Navigate to C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Start Menu
\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP)
and to C:\Users\ {User-
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
\Startup (in Windows 8, Windows 7
and Windows Vista) if C: is your
System drive. AppData is a hidden
folder. So, you will need to select
showing hidden folders in Folder
options to locate it.
7. Paste the file.
Now when the next time you start
your computer, Windows will welcome
you in its own computerized voice.
Note: For best results, it is
recommended to change sound
scheme to No Sounds.
You can change the sound scheme to
No Sounds by following the steps given
1. Go to Control Panel.
2. Then click on Switch to Classic
3. Then Click on Sounds and Audio
4. Then Click on the Sounds Tab.
5. Select No Sounds from the Sound
Scheme option.
6. If you wish to save your Previous
Sound Scheme, you can save it by
clicking Yes in the popup menu.
7. Click on OK.
Try it yourself to see how it works.

How  insert an ordinary "tick" symbol in Word?

Insert->Symbol->More Symbols->Font(wingdings)->Type Charecter Code 252

How to Lock Your Folders?

It's very easy to lock your folders by a small around 3MB software

Alpha Software

Click here to Download
Just install->right click the software which you wish to lock->Enter a Password->Finish
If you want to open the folder,Right click the folder and unlock by password
Thank you


How to make symbols with keyboard.

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